Sunday, 10 August 2008


We awoke to a misty day but that was forecast, it was also forecast to clear in the afternoon so our plan was to walk later in the day. Our lift pass runs out today so we wanted to use it once more.

We needed basic foodstuffs (milk, bread etc) so we drove to Impriess as they sell the dog food we use. It’s just a km or 2 out of town, we expected the town to be busy with the Shutenfest Festival. Trying to get out of Impriess was difficult due to the high volume of traffic, we had to turn left across 2 lanes. Eventually a kind driver let us out. The volume of traffic is caused by the tunnel that takes cars past St Anton and up the valley being closed so the Emergency Services could simulate an emergency. Apparently they were looking for volunteers to be dead or injured people, I would have liked to do that had I known, might have been good having to deal with a patient that does not speak German.

We went back to the room and packed up ready for a walk. Our plan was to take the car up to Galtzig then walk 2 hours to a mountain hut, have something to eat then walk back. However the mist was still on the tops but we went up anyway. Galtzig was clear but the path to the mountain hut was in cloud.

P1010371 e had a hot chocolate in the cafe and waited to see if it would clear. After 30 mins there  was no change so we decided to take Valluga up to a higher level to see if we could get above the cloud base and walk there.


Not a lot of change

P1010377 Valluga was even more misty and Valluge 2 was even worse apparently so we decided to go back to the galtzig main station and walk down  to the town from there.







Some memorabilia of cable cars and motors from the past.

We walked down the hill to the town, the rain last night had made the path slippy and muddy underfoot. 

P1010385 As predicted the weather did clear up but much later than we expected and we were half way down by this time.

P1010386 We saw this really odd lizard on the road at the bottom, it looked a little deformed.

We had a snack by the cable car then walked back to the room.

We spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out the car and we even took it to the car wash.

The pipe band came back in the evening, different band, same songs!

P1010387 P1010388

We had dinner then Helen arrived between welcome meetings, we went with her for a drink at the Sport hotel where the gay barman likes dogs. We had one drink then headed home.

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