Saturday, 16 August 2008

Back in Blighty

It was an early start, we got up at 6.30 after very little sleep thans to the guy next door snoring and the pillows being the size of postage stamps. We drove the 40km to Calais quickly and managed to find the huge shopping area just by the Chunnell entrance. There are 270 shops here, huge ones like Tesco and Carrefour as well as the normal high street shops too. It is frequented by Brits, one family were very excited by the shopping opportunity, for me spending leisure time in there would be worse than poking my eyes out with a cocktail stick.

Anyway, we got some of what we wanted and headed out quickly to the chunnell port. We got slightly confused with the pet passport bit and had to go round the circuit again. We found the pet area, got the dogs checked in and made our way to the train. We were a little late by now and didnt have time to to do anything else apart from get on the train.



It’s a good system, you drive onto a long train, park up and wait to be taken under the channel. It takes 35 mins.

Soon we were back in the UK, we drove off the train, out of the complex and were surrounded by lanes of traffic cones, the A20 was conned off apart from one lane and guess what, not a worker in sight, welcome to britain, we have driven thousands of miles in 7 different countries and we saw more ones on the A20 than we did the whole trip.

We stopped for a break on the M20 then carried on through the congestion, up the M25, the M11, the A1M then to Nottingham where we are staying with John and Jenny.

We took the dogs for a walk to Wollaton park across the road and had a good run and throw of the ball. Wollaton park is lovely and I wish I had taken my camera.

We had a lovely dinner of roast Gammon and potatoes cooked so well by Jenny. We had a great evening with these special people, an early night and a great nights sleep.

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